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Post by account_disabled on Jan 8, 2024 9:12:50 GMT
Atrack of conversations and when creating lists for WhatsApp broadcasts see below. Short links and QR codes. These open a direct chat with your business account. They can be shared across your channels as a quick way of contacting you. WhatsAppQRCodesforbusiness Source ShopPop Broadcasts. These are mass text message campaigns sent to a large number of contacts. Its the WhatsApp equivalent of a newsletter or a promotional SMS notification. But with the Business app you can only send a broadcast to contacts at a time. Choosing the contacts is not easy either. You can select them manually from your phone contacts list or use labels Country Email List within the app. The last catch is that recipients must have your phone number saved to receive the broadcast. Otherwise you can send as many such messages as you want in chunks of contacts. Automated messages. There are three kinds of automated WhatsApp messages available to speed up your communication on WhatsApp Business. Greeting messages can be set up to automatically respond to new chats. So when a user reaches out to you theyre invited to keep chatting even if you personally cannot answer at the moment. Away messages serve as automated responses to inquiries outside of working hours or when your business is closed for vacation. Quick replies are saved answers like. Orders take business days to prepare or quickly input them from a menu in individual chats when you get a frequently asked question. Learn how to set up automatic replies on WhatsApp. whatsappbusinessquickreply Source WhatsApp Key things to know about WhatsApp Business Its free to use You need a phone number separate from your personal one One device max two if you use the web app too one user only chats are tied to this account Its a business solution but the offered automation tools are limited Its not scalable you can only reach a limited number of contacts Best for micro and small business owners.